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Quantitative cephalometric analysis is the most widely used clinical and research tool in modern orthodontics. Accurate localization of cephalometric landmarks enables the quantification and classification of anatomical abnormalities, however, the traditional manual way of marking these landmarks is a very tedious job. Endeavours have constantly been made to develop automated cephalometric landmark detection systems but they are inadequate for orthodontic applications. The fundamental reason for this is that the amount of publicly available datasets as well as the images provided for training in these datasets are insufficient for an AI model to perform well. To facilitate the development of robust AI solutions for morphometric analysis, we organise the CEPHA29 Automatic Cephalometric Landmark Detection Challenge in conjunction with IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2023). In this context, we provide the largest known publicly available dataset, consisting of 1000 cephalometric X-ray images. We hope that our challenge will not only derive forward research and innovation in automatic cephalometric landmark identification but will also signal the beginning of a new era in the discipline.
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The essential variety is an algebraic subvariety of dimension $5$ in real projective space $\mathbb{R}\mathrm{P}^{8}$ which encodes the relative pose of two calibrated pinhole cameras. The $5$-point algorithm in computer vision computes the real points in the intersection of the essential variety with a linear space of codimension $5$. The degree of the essential variety is $10$, so this intersection consists of 10 complex points in general. We compute the expected number of real intersection points when the linear space is random. We focus on two probability distributions for linear spaces. The first distribution is invariant under the action of the orthogonal group $\mathrm{O}(9)$ acting on linear spaces in $\mathbb{R}\mathrm{P}^{8}$. In this case, the expected number of real intersection points is equal to $4$. The second distribution is motivated from computer vision and is defined by choosing 5 point correspondences in the image planes $\mathbb{R}\mathrm{P}^2\times \mathbb{R}\mathrm{P}^2$ uniformly at random. A Monte Carlo computation suggests that with high probability the expected value lies in the interval $(3.95 - 0.05,\ 3.95 + 0.05)$.
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Commonly adopted in the manufacturing and aerospace sectors, digital twin (DT) platforms are increasingly seen as a promising paradigm to control, monitor, and analyze software-based, "open", communication systems. Notably, DT platforms provide a sandbox in which to test artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for communication systems, potentially reducing the need to collect data and test algorithms in the field, i.e., on the physical twin (PT). A key challenge in the deployment of DT systems is to ensure that virtual control optimization, monitoring, and analysis at the DT are safe and reliable, avoiding incorrect decisions caused by "model exploitation". To address this challenge, this paper presents a general Bayesian framework with the aim of quantifying and accounting for model uncertainty at the DT that is caused by limitations in the amount and quality of data available at the DT from the PT. In the proposed framework, the DT builds a Bayesian model of the communication system, which is leveraged to enable core DT functionalities such as control via multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), monitoring of the PT for anomaly detection, prediction, data-collection optimization, and counterfactual analysis. To exemplify the application of the proposed framework, we specifically investigate a case-study system encompassing multiple sensing devices that report to a common receiver. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed Bayesian framework as compared to standard frequentist model-based solutions.
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Chromosome analysis is essential for diagnosing genetic disorders. For hematologic malignancies, identification of somatic clonal aberrations by karyotype analysis remains the standard of care. However, karyotyping is costly and time-consuming because of the largely manual process and the expertise required in identifying and annotating aberrations. Efforts to automate karyotype analysis to date fell short in aberration detection. Using a training set of ~10k patient specimens and ~50k karyograms from over 5 years from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, we created a labeled set of images representing individual chromosomes. These individual chromosomes were used to train and assess deep learning models for classifying the 24 human chromosomes and identifying chromosomal aberrations. The top-accuracy models utilized the recently introduced Topological Vision Transformers (TopViTs) with 2-level-block-Toeplitz masking, to incorporate structural inductive bias. TopViT outperformed CNN (Inception) models with >99.3% accuracy for chromosome identification, and exhibited accuracies >99% for aberration detection in most aberrations. Notably, we were able to show high-quality performance even in "few shot" learning scenarios. Incorporating the definition of clonality substantially improved both precision and recall (sensitivity). When applied to "zero shot" scenarios, the model captured aberrations without training, with perfect precision at >50% recall. Together these results show that modern deep learning models can approach expert-level performance for chromosome aberration detection. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating the downstream effectiveness of TopViTs. These results open up exciting opportunities for not only expediting patient results but providing a scalable technology for early screening of low-abundance chromosomal lesions.
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车祸(IOV)可以促进连接车辆(CV),自动驾驶汽车(AV)和其他IOV实体之间的无缝连通性。 IOV网络的入侵检测系统(IDS)可以依靠机器学习(ML)来保护车辆内网络免受网络攻击。基于区块链的联合森林(BFF)可用于根据IOV实体的数据训练ML模型,同时保护数据的机密性并降低对数据篡改的风险。但是,以这种方式创建的ML模型仍然容易受到逃避,中毒和探索性攻击的影响。本文研究了各种可能的对抗性示例对BFF-ID的影响。我们提出了整合统计检测器来检测和提取未知的对抗样品。通过将未知检测的样品包括在检测器的数据集中,我们使用附加模型来增强BFF-ID,以检测原始已知攻击和新的对抗性输入。统计对手检测器以50和100个输入样本的样本量确信对对抗性示例。此外,增强的BFF-IDS(BFF-IDS(AUG))成功地减轻了以上96%的精度。通过这种方法,每当检测到对抗样本并随后采用BFF-ID(AUG)作为主动安全模型时,该模型将继续在沙箱中增强。因此,统计对抗检测器的拟议集成以及随后使用检测到的对抗样本对BFF-ID的增强,为对抗性例子和其他未知攻击提供了可持续的安全框架。
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